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Joining the Orchestra Program

Anyone can join the orchestra program! ​Students are assigned to orchestras according to ability, attitude, instrumentation, and director’s recommendation. To be placed correctly in Orchestra, an audition is necessary to ensure an appropriate-level ensemble. Students who do not audition will be placed in the entry-level ensemble.


For the 25-26 school year, audition material will be released in early April. Additionally, I will be asking each campus director to fill out a Director’s Recommendation regarding each student’s work ethic, response to critique, and responsibility.  


The rubric students will be graded with is as follows: Intonation, Bow Control, Rhythm, Tempo, Posture, and Bow Hold. 


Students will record a video of themselves performing their audition material and submit it via Google Form, due date TBD. Please see the below details for submission.

Video Requirements

  • Students will video record themselves playing their audition material.

  • Both hands must be visible in the frame at all times. This may require some set-up and testing. Please ensure that both ends of the bow are in the frame while performing.

  • A metronome must be used during your performance. You may set up your metronome to your specifications (ex: using the subdivision or not, playing a slower tempo than listed for a point deduction).

  • Only upload one file. It is permissible to do separate takes of the scales and excerpts and then splice them together. If you cannot accomplish that task, please only take one video so that you upload only one audition file.

Submission Link

  • Google Form Link: TBD

  • If you are having trouble uploading your file due to size, please use one of the following options: 

    • Upload your file to Google Drive, make your link shareable, and then share a link in the submission form ​

    • Upload your file to YouTube, and then share a link in the submission form (this link does not need to be public)

  • You may contact me regarding technical issues, but please do not wait until just before the deadline to do so. ​I may not be checking my email at the time you are in need, however I will respond promptly during normal school hours.

Violin Material

Viola Material

Cello Material

Bass Material

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